Milford Brush Fire
9:47pm--#Milford CT--Firefighters on scene in the 150 block of Robert Treat Road for a brush fire in the backyards. The majority of the fire has been put out.
Local News in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Stratford, Norwalk, and Beyond!
9:47pm--#Milford CT--Firefighters on scene in the 150 block of Robert Treat Road for a brush fire in the backyards. The majority of the fire has been put out.
5:20pm--#Fairfield CT--Firefighters check on a stove fire which was out on arrival at 150 Brentwood Avenue. No fire extensions to any other part of the house. Power secured to the stove.
7:01pm--#Bridgeport CT Firefighters on the way to 1511 Madison Ave. for an odor investigation, possibly of smoke. Turns out to be workers sandblasting.
6:11pm--#Bridgeport CT--#ctfire--Firefighters were called to Jana Lingerie at 2442 Main Street for smoke in the basement. It wasn't anything you or I were thinking, it was just a ember from a grill dropped below the deck. No fire and firefighters quickly recalled the alarm of fire.
12:08am--#Bridgeport CT--Firefighters and police on the way to Randall Ave. (off Lindley St.) for a car fire that may have been set by two yoots seen breaking the windows prior to the fire.
10:07pm--#Fairfield CT--#ctfire--Homeowner at 621 Warner Hill Road calling fire department that there is a fire under her screened porch. Firefighters on the way. UPDATE--Fire was out on arrival. Firefighters check for extensions and recall quickly.
9:35pm--#Stratford CT--#ctfire--Tonight's car fire is in the parking lot of the VFW on Barnum Ave. Cutoff. Fire and ice!
4:50pm--#Fairfield CT--Report of a oven fire at 168 Tanglewood Lane with the coil sparking. I gotta get Marsillio's on Black Rock Turnpike to do a video on how to use a self cleaning oven!