Plane Crashes at Sikorsky Airport

Plane Crashes At Sikorsky Airport-- Written by John Kovach Stratford Star A plane clipped a fence and crashed at Sikorsky Memorial Airport around 10 p.m. Saturday night. Elaine Ficarra, director of communications for Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch, said two people were on the aircraft. Ficarra said from the scene two people were extricated from the aircraft and taken to the hospital, suffering "minor to moderate injuries." The injured have not yet been identified. The plane reportedly caught fire after crashing, and is surrounded by fire-retardant foam on the runway. The right wing was torn off the aircraft. Debris and fuel spilled onto Main Street in Stratford, Ficarra said.Stratford police closed roads around the airport, such as Main Street and Stratford…

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Happenings NOW

2:01am--Bridgeport--Home invasion sort of. Man breaks into 603 Union Ave. on the 1st floor and falls asleep on the bed. UPDATE: Turns out to be mistaken identity......... [caption id="attachment_2014" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Document received from a State Representative on Saturday hand delivered by a State Police Officer"][/caption] State Senators/Reps Surprised By State Trooper Visits on Saturday. State troopers pulled from their assignments to be used as delivery  personnel. Read the full EXCLUSIVE article click here.....             Photos courtesy of Stratford Fire Department: [caption id="attachment_1966" align="alignright" width="180" caption="Stratford Firefighters extracted two from the plane."][/caption] [caption id="attachment_1964" align="alignleft" width="180" caption="Stratford Firefighters apply foam to the aircraft."][/caption] Remembering Bridgeport's Tornado Damage Last Year

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Happenings NOW 6-24-2011

Congressman Himes Votes to Limit U.S. Action in Libya Votes against resolution to authorize continuation of current activity for one year WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) today voted in favor of a resolution limiting U.S. involvement in Libya to search and rescue efforts, intelligence gathering, aerial refueling, and operational planning. Himes also opposed a measure authorizing the President to continue operations in Libya for one year.   A Fun-Filled Day Planned for Trumbull and even fireworks!!  Read more.... Remembering the tornado damage in Bridgeport one year ago. CT State Representative Brenda Kupchick on behalf of the State of Connecticut General Assembly cited Fairfield's Super Duper Weenine a best value in Connecticut and for using quality grown in Connecticut products. Shortly…

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CT Ranks Among The Worst States For Its Ability For Growth/Create Jobs,

Connecticut ranks among the worst states for its ability to drive economic growth and create jobs, and fares only slightly better in its outlook for improving, the latest competitiveness index show.  Connecticut ranked 43rd in past competitiveness but improved to 35th in its competitive outlook, according the fourth edition of the award-winning Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index.  Read More.....

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What Is Appropriate Attire To Fly In?

Six days before a college football player was arrested at San Francisco International Airport in a dispute that began when a US Airways employee asked him to pull up his sagging pants, a man who was wearing little but women's undergarments was allowed to fly the airline, a US Airways spokeswoman conceded Tuesday...Read more.....

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