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[SlideDeck id='494' width='100%' height='400px'] Traffic Delays--See the lower right side of this site for up to the minute real time traffic delays on local and state streets! **Live Breaking News Feed** 6/22/2012 2:18pm--Fairfield--Possible lightning strikes on Pine Creek Road and Round Hill Road. Fire department investigating. No smoke no fire. UPDATE--Fire department says it appears the chimney on Round Hill Road was hit by lightning. 6/21/2012 1:08pm--Fairfield--Harbor Road resident has tractor roll over him and has puncture wounds, tractor is no longer on him. Police, fire and EMTs on the way. 12:00am--#Bridgeport #ctfire -- Fire on the exterior of the home on Rockton Ave. extinguished by homeowner. Firefighters checking for extensions into the home. UPDATE--Police are looking for a…