Don’t hit him!
2:31pm--#Bridgeport CT--If driving in the Hollow don't hit the man walking in and out of traffic at Park and Harral Ave. Narcotics may be involved.....
Local News in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Stratford, Norwalk, and Beyond!
2:31pm--#Bridgeport CT--If driving in the Hollow don't hit the man walking in and out of traffic at Park and Harral Ave. Narcotics may be involved.....
10:59am--#Weston CT--Firefighters on their way to Davis Hill Road for a flooding condition in a barn involving the furnace and wires. In other news there is news out of Weston!
2:27am--#Bridgeport CT--Police are on scene with an assault victim outside the Merritt Canteen on Main Street. EMS on the way.
Saturday March 23rd - State Rep Tony Hwang plunged into the Long Island Sound at Jennings Beach with over 70+ people as part of "Freezin' for a Reason" Polar Plunge! Rep Hwang fully realized why they called it freezin’ time as the weather conditions were COLD and WINDY…. (40 degrees and 25 mile wind) Brrrrrrrr. There was a very good reason for his freezin’ plunge – to help raise money for Wakeman Boys & Girls Club - Southport, Stratfield, Bridgeport! Rep Tony Hwang said, "It was a worthwhile plunge to celebrate the 100th Birthday of the Wakeman Club! Wakeman has helped and made a huge difference in the lives of tens of thousands of young adults. I want to support…
11:02pm--#Fairfield CT--Report of an possible alleged intoxicated teen in front of 328Knapps Highway. Large party with possible underage drinking. Maybe one of the local colleges should sign him up.......
10:48pm--Bridgeport CT--Police are reporting a gathering of at leas 100 kids on the Connecticut Ave. and Sixth Street area. Two fights already broken up by police and they move on.
It’s amazing how many times you will hear this, especially before people find out you are an agent. I’m not sure how dealing with a Realtor ended up in the same category as going to the dentist. Since when did hiring someone trained and licensed to help you make the biggest purchase of your life become synonymous with someone who wants to put a drill in your mouth? People will hold off getting an agent until they no longer have a choice. No offence, but it’s a really bad strategy. Explain to me exactly what it is that you are so adverse to. Expert advice, experienced insight, another set of eyes that can see your 3 year old about to…
The organizers say that they are providing a way to demonstrate one’s desire to “do something” about global warming. But the reality is that Earth Hour teaches all the wrong lessens, and it actually increases CO2 emissions. Its vain symbolism reveals exactly what is wrong with today’s feel-good environmentalism........during Earth Hour, any significant drop in electricity demand will entail a reduction in CO2 emissions during the hour, but it will be offset by the surge from firing up coal or gas stations to restore electricity supplies afterward. And the cozy candles that many participants will light, which seem so natural and environmentally friendly, are still fossil fuels—and almost 100 times less efficient than incandescent light bulbs. Using one candle for…
4:44pm--#Bridgeport CT--Police were in a foot purist on William Street towards Knowlton Street. A manhunt is in the area off William, Armstrong, Maple Street area. Police are looking for a thin black male wearing all black and blue underwear, scar on his face. 4:53pm--UPDATE--Captured on Knowlton and Shelton Street. He was wanted for a possible homicide.
Two great wines from Sicily today! Don Tomaso Nero d'Avola and Grillo-Chardonnay!!! These wines, served at Liana's in Fairfield, are a delicious. The Nero d'Avola has an intense ruby color with a soft, full and velvet flavor. The Grillo-Chardonna has a wonderful fragrance of exotic fruits mixed with a note of vanilla. Both will delight your palate!! We are also featuring Zestos, a Spanish Garnacha which is juicy on the palate, offering gently sweet red and dark berry flavors and a hint of dark chocolate. Stop by for the treat! Premier Wines & Spirits--525 Tunxis Hill Rd, Fairfield, CT--(203) 345-9088