Himes Statement on President’s Remarks on Gun Violence Prevention

Himes Statement on President’s Remarks on Gun Violence Prevention.....What are YOUR thoughts? “I stand with the President in urging my colleagues in Congress to come together and pass legislation that will prevent the next Newtown. Over 100 days after 26 innocent lives were cut tragically short, it is long past time for Congress to act. Nobody should be able to purchase a gun if they are a criminal or mentally ill. No civilian needs a military-style gun with a magazine that holds 30 bullets. No parent should have to fear for their child’s safety while he or she is at school. I remain frustrated that the House Majority has yet to bring up a single gun violence prevention measure for…

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Car Battery Die?

Did your car battery die over the weekend? More than likely its an expense you just can't afford right now. Our friends at Interstate Battery at 125 Holland Avenue in Bridgeport have batteries starting at $40! That's right $40!!! This warehouse location only. Larry is usually in by 7am to get you on your way. Interstate Batteries power the DoingItLocalmobile, we go running into the hood all hours of the night....we need to start!

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