Possible house fire

3:20pm---#Bridgeport CT--Firefighters on the way to a possible house fire in an abandoned house at the corner of  Pembroke and Shelton Street, possible squatters still  inside. UPDATE-- Firefighters on scene reporting nothing visible from the street.  Turns out to be a small trash fire on the rear third deck and extinguished.

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Fairfield Stalker Arrested

#Fairfield CT--Wednesday 4/10/2013--6:29 pm, a complainant reported seeing a man hiding in a wooded area behind a Vermont Ave home. He believed the man was watching children in the neighborhood and directed officers to the location. As police vehicles arrived on Vermont Ave the complainant reported the male had just fled the scene running through the wooded area he was hiding in, out towards Home Depot, 541 Kings Hwy Cut Off. Daniel Gonzalez was detained exiting the woods into the Home Depot parking lot and initially denied hiding in the woods changed his story several times to police. It was eventually learned that Gonzalez was stalking an ex-girl friend who lives on Vermont Ave. and he has been sending her…

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Talk about a dream cake!

Small Business Shout Outs started when Danyella from Everything Sweet contacted me and told me that she bakes to make ends meet for her and her son.  She'd be happy to bake something for me if I would give her a shout out.  I thought about it and wondered how many other businesses are out there that could use a one time shout out.  I agreed and  told her that the freebie wasn't necessary, I was just happy to do it and help her out. Danyella wouldn't take no for an answer so I agreed she could bake a birthday cake for my daughter last week, she turned twelve.  She wanted a red velvet cake, I've had that in the…

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