Micro Brew Beer Tasting In Fairfield Tonight!

Beer Tasting In Fairfield Fridays 6 to 8pm!--Premier Wine and Spirits 525 Tunxis Hill Rd, Fairfield Tonight's tasting will feature Samuel Adams Porch Rocker Shandy and Breckenridge Agave Wheat. Samuel Adams Porch Rocker Shandy is a traditional German lager mixed with a tart lemonade for a very crisp, refreshing treat on a hot summer day! Breckenridge Agave Wheat is a wheat beer brewed with Agave, which complements the refreshingly light quality of the wheat and adds a subtle note of flavor that expands this beer’s uplifting taste profile. Samuel Adams Porch Rocker and Breckenridge Agave wheat are both sure to be hits at your summer barbecue!!

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Smoke after vandalisim

10:25pm--#Bridgeport CT--Firefighters are a 121 Hope Street for smoke in the building. Police were out there earlier for a vandalism charge with teen, reports say he returned and threw something in the window causing smoke.  Firefighters on scene reporting nothing visible seen, mainly a police call now.

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