
Today’s Vehicle Fire

2:14pm--#cttraffic--#Shelton CT-- Today's car fire is on Route 8 southbound in the median after a crash near between exits 12 and 13.  Everyone got out of the car ok according to radio reports. This report made possible by: Fuego coche de hoy es sobre la Ruta 8 en dirección sur en la mediana después de un accidente cerca de entre las salidas 12 y 13. Todo el mundo salió del coche bien de acuerdo con informes de la radio. Fogo carro de hoje é na Rota 8 sul da mediana depois de um acidente perto entre as saídas 12 e 13. Todo mundo saiu do carro ok de acordo com relatos de rádio.

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Voting- See Something Do Something!

If you see something out of the ordinary while voting today, take out your cellphone, take a video or picture.  Send it to us at or to our cellphone at 203-769-6961.  Give us the who, what, where, when etc.  Or call us and leave a message with the details.   If you want to remain anonymous or want your name published be sure to let us know. It was your tips the last election that we were able to report something wasn't right in Bridgeport and why the election time was extended.  With your cellphone you can actually change the outcome of an election if you see something out of the ordinary! Si usted ve algo fuera de lo…

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Enterovirus D-68 In Shelton

#Shelton CT--Tune in to NBC Connecticut and George Colli  this morning as we shared with George a huge breaking news story of Enterovirus D-68 that has affected a student in Shelton .   Once again our information comes from a first responder with inside information who confided in us.  Again, this is breaking news at a very late hour.  I'll bet it won't be before noon before the traditional media says the are breaking the news on this.  Yea, call us irresponsible but we run with over a 95% accuracy rate with our reporting.   I think it is important to bring you this information as soon as it is available, not a day later.   Traditional media must confirm it…

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Shelton News: Small Fire in Garage

11:02pm--#Shelton CT-- Firefighters called to 348 Beardsley Road for a structure fire in  an attached garage.  Firefighters found a small cabinet smoldering and checked to make sure the fire did not extend into the walls or anywhere else. If it were bad our friends at ServPro would have made it Like It Never Even Happened! Los bomberos llamaron al 348 Beardsley camino para un incendio estructural en un garaje anexo. Los bomberos encontraron un pequeño rescoldo gabinete y evaluados para asegurarse de que el fuego no se extendió en las paredes o en cualquier otro lugar. Bombeiros chamados a 348 Beardsley Road por um incêndio estrutura em uma garagem anexa. Os bombeiros encontraram um pequeno armário latente e verificado para garantir…

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Shelton News: Water Main Break

10:11pm--#Shelton Ct--There is a very large water main break at Bridgeport Avenue Long Hill Cross Road.  It is substantial enough that a special call to firefighters was made that if there are any reported structure fires in the area they are to bring tanker trucks.  Aquarion is aware of the break and on the way. No es un agua muy grande principal descanso en Bridgeport avenida Long Hill Cross Road. Es lo suficientemente importante que un llamado especial a los bomberos se señaló que si hay incendios estructurales reportados en la zona que son para llevar camiones cisterna. Aquarion es consciente de la ruptura y en el camino. Há uma grande ruptura de água em Bridgeport Avenue Long Hill Cross…

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Shelton News: Propane Leak- Hazmat Team Dispatched

12:18pm--#Shelton CT--The Derby Hazmat Team along with Shelton Firefighters, EMS and police have been dispatched to the Landmark Transportation maintenance facility at 55 Riverdale Avenue for a propane leak.  One of the buses inside the facility has a leak and they cannot shut off.  The road has been closed at the Inline Plastic Company at Brewster Street.  An alarm is now sounding at Inline Plastics. El equipo Hazmat Derby junto con Shelton Bomberos, EMS y la policía han sido enviados a las instalaciones de mantenimiento Landmark Transporte a 55 Riverdale Avenue por una fuga de gas propano. Uno de los autobuses dentro de la instalación tiene una fuga y que no se puede apagar. El camino se ha cerrado en…

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Shelton to Seymour Pursuit

1:40am--#cttraffic--#Seymour Ct--Shelton CT--Shelton Police were in  pursuit of a car on Route 8 northbound starting at exit 13 is now at exit 17 with speeds of 95mph, police broke it off at this point.  The car got off exit 21.   It was a stolen vehicle. Police are looking for a 2006 Silver Jeep Grand Cherokee with New Jersey plates G50BAC.   Policía Shelton fueron en persecución de un automóvil en la ruta 8 en dirección norte a partir de la salida 13 se encuentra ahora en la salida 17 con una velocidad de 95 mph, la policía rompió en este punto. El coche se bajó de salida 21 Era un vehículo robado. La policía busca a un Plata Jeep Grand…

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Shelton News: Crash on Route 8

12:13pm--#cttraffic--#Shelton CT--A crash on Route 8 southbound between exits 19 and 20.  No report of injuries or how backed up the traffic is. Un accidente en la Ruta 8 hacia el sur entre las salidas 19 y 20 n informe de lesiones o cómo una copia de seguridad del tráfico es. Um acidente na Rota 8 sul entre saídas de 19 e 20 Nao temos relatório de lesões ou como o tráfego esta.

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