Shelton News: Avalon Apartments Evacuated
9:47pm--#Shelton CT-- The section of the Avalon Apartments at 185 Canal Street were evacuated for an odor of natural gas. At 11:29pm firefighters reported working with Eversource have located the source. Buses were called to shuttled and shelter people at the "Birmingham" according to radio reports. No dangerous concerns with our sponsor: La sección de los Avalon Apartments en 185 Canal Street fueron evacuados por un olor a gas natural. En 23:29 bomberos informaron trabajar con Eversource haber localizado la fuente. Los autobuses fueron llamados a la gente transportados y refugio en el "Birmingham", según informes de radio. A seção dos Avalon Apartments a 185 Canal Street foram evacuados para um odor de gás natural. No 11:29 bombeiros relataram…