Look Who’s DoingItLocal!
After recording a commercial for Bella Sera Ristorante at437 Tunxis Hill Road last week I remembered Melissa had messaged me on Facebook to visit her new salon at 527 Tunxis Hill called Beju Beauty Lounge and Boutique. It was a pleasure meeting Melissa, Tatiaana and Licia. They all showed great pride in the work they provided in hair styling, the place was busy too! They also have jewelry and some clothing fashion but also provide make up service. Call them at (203) 416-5346 or visit them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/bejuhair?rf=147406938620539 or at Instagram at BejuBeautyLounge. Después de grabar un comercial de Bella Sera Ristorante at437 Tunxis Hill Road la semana pasada me acordé de Melissa me había contactado en Facebook para…