Local News

Federal Lawsuit Against Police Dismmissed

A federal judge has thrown out an excessive force and wrongful arrest lawsuit against two city police officers. The judge granted the city’s motion for summary judgment in Junior Huertas v James Ivanko and Omar Jimenez, meaning the case was dismissed because the judge concluded there was not enough evidence to proceed to trial. Bridgeport police were attempting to clear the crowded streets after the Puerto Rican Day Parade on June 12, 2009. It was estimated that there were 2,500 to 3,000 revelers in the area of Park Avenue.  Police encountered a house party at 358 Park Ave. with a DJ and two speakers pointed toward the street. Between 8:15 and 8:30 p.m., police approached the DJ and asked him…

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No Animals at Westport Beaches Effective April 1

Westport Parks & Recreation Director Stuart McCarthy today reminded citizens that as of April 1 the “no animals at the beaches” regulation will be in effect.  It includes Compo, Burying Hill and Old Mill beaches. “Animals will not be permitted on any beach property, which includes all grass, sand, and the parking areas, except Soundview parking lot at Compo Beach, as well as the roads within the beach area,” said McCarthy.  “This regulation will be in effect until Oct. 1.” Parking emblems will be required on all vehicles entering town beaches beginning Tuesday, May 1.

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2013 Town’s holocaust commemoration

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3: Town of Fairfield’s 30th Annual Holocaust Commemoration: an educational, uplifting and thoughtful evening of remembrance, with former local resident and retired educator Bob Gillette, who authored the Virginia Plan, a true story of rescue. There will be a short presentation by Mr. Gillette, musical selections by Fairfield County Children’s Choir and Fairfield Ludlowe Ensemble, a candle lighting ceremony and a reception. The event will be held at First Church Congregational, 148 Beach Road, Fairfield at 7:30pm. FREE ADMISSION. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FHC2013 Website: http://fairfieldholocaustcommemoration.org

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Westport Youth Commission Seeks Volunteers

Human Services Director Barbara Butler announced today that the Westport Youth Commission is seeking Westport high school students and community adults interested in serving on the commission beginning next fall 2013.  “The Youth Commission serves as a public forum for youth issues, and advocates for youth needs and concerns in the community,” said Butler. “Its 30 members, 15 students and 15 adults, are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the First Selectman.”  Among the Youth Commission’s past achievements are the creation of Toquet Hall; startup of the Compo Beach skate park; the development of Speedial, a pocket-sized informational and help guide for teens; the development of a comprehensive community plan to address underage drinking; outdoor summer movies for…

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Embezzlement Arrest

#Westport CT-- On January 16, 2013 Westport Detectives were contacted regarding an internal theft of over $75,000 from local company. Detectives assisted by the CT Financial Crimes Task Force investigated the complaint and executed multiple search warrants. The investigation concluded with the arrest of two former employees of the company this morning @ 0600 hrs. Arrested were the following: Dominique Phraviaxy, age 39 of 56 Craig Lane Trumbull CT--She was charged with Larceny 1st Degree CGS 53a-122, Conspiracy to Commit Larceny 1st CGS 53a-48, Larceny 3rd Degree CGS 53a-124, Conspiracy to Commit Larceny 3rd CGS 53a-48/53a-124, Forgery 3rd Degree CGS 53a-140 (8 Counts), Credit Card Theft CGS 53a-128c, Illegal use of a Credit Card 53a-128d (290 Counts) Conspiracy to Commit…

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