8:44pm--#Fairfield CT--McDonald employees on Black Rock Turnpike called police that teens were throwing food at and harassing a special needs person. The fled on foot towards CVS.
Local News in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Stratford, Norwalk, and Beyond!
8:44pm--#Fairfield CT--McDonald employees on Black Rock Turnpike called police that teens were throwing food at and harassing a special needs person. The fled on foot towards CVS.
5:17pm--#Bridgeport CT--A prisoner brought in for treatment by the marshal's office is threatening a doctor at St. Vincent's hospital. Bridgeport Police called to add more charges.....
3:22pm--#Fairfield CT--Fairfield first responders responding to Lake Mohegan at the cascades near the electrical towers for a hiker having a seizure. Hiker is ok, response is challenging due to wooded area.
12:48pm--#Bridgeport CT--Police on scene at the McDonald's on North Avenue for a woman causing a disturbance. You could have it your way at Fire Engine Pizza 2914 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport
#cttraffic--I-95 southbound is closed due to a rolled over tractor trailer at exit 7. Thanks for the heads up Eileen Brophy!
#Bridgeport CT--A small group gathered outside City Hall on Lyon Terrace to protest the 6% tax increase. The rally was sponsored by the Bridgeport Republican Town Committee. About thirty five protestors were on hand to protest the proposed six percent tax increase scheduled for Bridgeport. [caption id="attachment_11340" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Photo provided by Lindsay Keyser[/caption]
10:00pm--#Bridgeport CT--Knowlton Street between River and Stillman Street is closed due to a car accident.
6:49pm--#Bridgeport CT--Police receive a number of calls from concerned citizens of kids with rifles in the 600 block of Central Avenue. Turns out the kids were just recording a video.
11:49am--#Fairfield CT #Westport CT #cttraffic--I-95 southbound near exit 18 southbound a 3 car accident slowing traffic. Its slowing traffic but not at a standstill.
10:01pm--#Bridgeport CT--Firefighters were called to the PT Barnum Administration Building on Shell Street for an activated fire alarm. When the arrived they heard someone inside the building. They called police along K-9 thinking it was an intruder. Turns out the man went to the bathroom around closing time, fell asleep and you guessed it they locked him inside!!