11:24am--#Bridgeport CT--A woman in the 500 block of Beechmont Ave. called that someone broke in her mother's home and took her flat screen TV.
11:24am--#Bridgeport CT--A woman in the 500 block of Beechmont Ave. called that someone broke in her mother's home and took her flat screen TV.
3:03am--#Trumbull CT--Report of a a tree down with wire on Mulberry Street.
Bridgeport police released the identities of the two pedestrians who were injured in a hit-and-run incident Monday. They are identified as Bennie Mae Smith, 61, and her niece Diamond Battle, 6. Both are Bridgeport residents. They were crossing Washington Ave at Highland Street when they were struck. Two other young children made it across the street safely and were not injured. The responsible vehicle was described as a light-color, large-size SUV which fled north on Washington toward Catherine. It was missing a side mirror. The investigation remains active and ongoing.
5:41pm--#Bridgeport CT--Police are investigating a break in in the double digit section of Asylum Avenue closer towards Boston Avenue. Remember, on break ins we choose not to post the actual address.
9:40am--#Ridgefield CT #cttraffic--There is a tree down on Route 7 near the "Golf Art". One lane is blocked and the state says they will get a tree crew within an hour and a half. Obviously expect delays.
6:34pm--#Norwalk CT--A three and a half year old fell about ten feet off a slide inside Pump It Up at 145 Main Street. Possible arm fracture.
5:36pm--#Shelton CT-- Report of a tree and wires down at Kanungum Trail. Firefighters on the way.
5:26pm--#Bridgeport CT--Report of electrical wires down at Madison Avenue and Ashton Street. Firefighters on scene investigating.
2:40pm--#cttraffic---3 car accident on the Merritt Parkway northbound near exit 48. The are trying to get the cars off to the shoulder but its still something to look at and rubberneck.
12:02pm--#Bridgeport CT--Wake up Bridgeport!! Report of a structure fire, possibly an abandoned home at 191 Huntington Turnpike. Firefighters on the way. UPDATE--Fire was so heavy the activated the evacuation tone and took a defensive posture until getting it under control from the exterior. Heavy fire was knocked down by 12:25am. Photo from Craig Kramer.