Thumb amputated
5:25pm--#Fairfield CT--Man working in a tree just amputated his thumb on Orchard Hill Drive. Firefighters on the scene working to get him out of the tree.
Local News in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Stratford, Norwalk, and Beyond!
5:25pm--#Fairfield CT--Man working in a tree just amputated his thumb on Orchard Hill Drive. Firefighters on the scene working to get him out of the tree.
6:52pm--#Bridgeport CT--Police are looking for a blue car with a white male inside recording children at Ellsworth Park on Ellsworth and Brewster Street.
1:01pm--#Trumbull CT--A person was burned on the hands when a debris fire got out of control at 7 Garland Circle. Fire is now out. UPDATE--The man was burning debris when he threw kerosene on the fire which flared up and burned his arms.
3:01am--#Stratford CT--#cttraffic--Report of a pedestrian hit by a car at the on ramp I-95 southbound.
7:34pm--#Norwalk CT--A parent is reporting to police that they stopped at Jefferson School, walked their child to the door came back to her carr purse was taken. No mention what time of day this happened but it only takes a minute!
6:27pm--#Bridgeport CT--Police on the way to 100 Boston Ave. where a two year old and a five year old have been left alone inside a locked vehicle.
5:03pm--#Bridgeport CT--Police and animal control are on scene at the ferry dock area tending to an injured hawk, they do not suspect fowl play......
4:15pm--#Bridgeport CT--Iranistan and Railroad Avenue is currently closed due to a stuck tractor trailer, it can't get under the train trestle and needs to back up.
Ben & Jerry's is kicking off its 'City Churned' campaign. What flavor you think Bridgeport would be?