Local News

Water Main Break, Traffic Problems, No Water In Area

#Bridgeport CT--A major water main break has caused major traffic delays on North Avenue between Island Brook and River Street.  Officials from Aquarion say the area will be closed to traffic, and residents off these streets will be without water while the repairs are being made.  The earliest estimation  for repairs is 8am Thursday morning.  The road will still require repaving after that.  Landmarks for the area is Popeye's Chicken to Scruples Gentlemen's Club.  The club was scheduled to host their Halloween Party but it is doubtful if they will be open, so call them if plan on attending. If you live in the area and still have water fill your bathtub and sinks before they turn the water off…

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Chasing the chasers of the White Lady

10:51pm--#Easton CT--Easton is busy tonight!  Police are chasing out visitors to the Union Cemetery at the Sport Hill / Stepney Road split.  The cemetery is closed at night and people have been known to be arrested for trespassing.  Ed and Lorraine Warren helped make this cemetery famous  and many come out looking for the "White Lady" spirit.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Cemetery_(Easton,_Connecticut)

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Under Aged Drinking Keeps Easton First Responders Busy

Saturday, October 19-- #Easton CT--Around 10:40pm Saturday night  EMS were called to a home on Meadow Ridge Drive for an underage teen  with symptoms of alcohol poisoning.   When EMS arrive they found two teens, one unresponsive  but breathing.  With the aid of an on board medic EMS were able to revive the teen.  As the first responders got a handle on the situation they discovered a large house party of under aged drinking teens.  A second then a third ambulance was requested to the scene.  A short time later a police officer reported teens in the road and woods then requested the fire department help them locate the teens.  Police dispatch continued to warn the fire department to watch out…

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