
Fairfield News: Power Outage

11:11pm--#Fairfield CT-- A blown transformer has knocked the power out to about a dozen homes on the Raymonds Drive/ Raymonds Circle area. Un transformador de soplado ha golpeado el poder a cerca de una docena de casas en el área de Raymonds Drive / Raymonds Círculo. Um transformador queimado bateu o poder para cerca de uma dúzia de casas em área de Raymonds Drive / Raymonds Circle.

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Fairfield News: Open The Flue!

1:10pm--#Fairfield CT--If planning on a fire in the fireplace or wood burning stove don't forget to open the flue.  Happens more than expect....Firefighters on the way to Princess Pine Lane for this very reason!   Si la planificación de un fuego en la chimenea o estufa de leña no se olvide de abrir el conducto de humos. Sucede más de esperar ... .Firefighters en el camino a la princesa pino Lane por esta misma razón! Se planejando um fogo na lareira ou fogão a lenha não se esqueça de abrir a combustão. Acontece mais do que esperar ... .Firefighters no caminho para a princesa Pine Lane, por isso mesmo!

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Merritt Crash

9:50pm--#cttraffic--#Fairfield CT--If traveling on the Merritt Parkway northbound use caution as a car has hit a deer between exits 46 and 47.  First reponders just arriving on scene. This report sponsored by: Si viaja en la Merritt Parkway en dirección norte uso precaución como un coche ha golpeado a un ciervo entre las salidas 46 y 47. Los primeros en responder sólo llegan a la escena. Se viajar na Merritt Parkway utilização norte cautela como um carro atingiu um cervo entre as saídas 46 e 47. Socorristas só chegam na cena.

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Fairfield News: Substance in Gould Manor Pond

#Fairfield CT--If you have driven by Gould Manor on Holland Road and saw the firetruck the the firefighters have been trying to contain a very large green substance in the catch basins and pond.  Suzanne, a concerned citizen/neighbor spotted the spill earlier in the day and was mad thinking someone poured anti-freeze into the waterways.   She called Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) who in turned called the Fairfield Firefighters.  Assistant Fire Chief George Gomola coordinated efforts to contain the substance with booms.  The substance may also be a dye that was used to test sewer systems.  I saw firefighters collecting samples before I left.  Special thanks to Suzanne for providing these pictures. Si usted ha conducido por Gould…

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Bridgeport News: Bicyclist Hit

10:14pm--#Bridgeport CT-- A bicyclist has been hit at the intersection of Boston and Nobel Avenue.  The driver 0f the car has stopped and remains on scene.....sad I have to add that to the report.  No updates on the victim. This news report made possible by Nima! Un ciclista ha sido golpeado en la intersección de la avenida de Boston y Nobel. El conductor 0f el coche se ha detenido y se mantiene en escena ... ..sad tengo que añadir que para el informe. No hay cambios en la víctima. Um ciclista foi atingido no cruzamento da Boston e Nobel Avenue. O motorista 0f o carro parou e permanece em cena ... ..sad Tenho de acrescentar que para o relatório. Não…

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Grand Opening of Recreation and Tennis Center

Ribbon Cutting and  Grand Opening of a Recreation and Tennis Center at 210 Old Dam Road, corner of South Pine Creek Road took place Friday night. The Fairfield Recreation and Tennis Center at Old Dam Road illustrates the wonderful concept of a public/private partnership. The Fairfield Indoor Tennis Center, which was located on Old Dam Road, has partnered with the Town to build a new facility at this site that will provide the community with a first-class tennis center, as well as recreational space that will be home to new programming for children, teens and adults. The facility will allow for children's parties, sweet 16 parties, pre-school, after-school, teen programs, fitness classes and so much more. The facility also includes a new and improved teen center, The Beanery,…

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Fairfield News: Accident Closes Black Rock Turnpike

2:31pm--#Fairfield CT--Black Rock Turnpike at School Street and Overlook Road is closed for a two car head on accident.  AMR was preparing to transport the injured, exact number not known at this time.  Police are investigating. Negro Roca Turnpike en calle de la escuela y pasa por alto camino está cerrado por una cabeza de dos coches en accidente. AMR se preparaba para transportar el, número exacto lesionado no conocida en este momento. La policía está investigando. Black Rock Turnpike em rua da escola e Overlook estrada está fechada para a cabeça de dois carros no acidente. AMR estava se preparando para transportar o, número exato feridos não conhecido neste momento. A polícia está investigando.

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Fighting Cancer with Knowledge and Hope

[Fairfield, CT, October 29, 2014] Dr. Richard Frank will discuss his book “Fighting Cancer with Knowledge and Hope: A Guides for Patients, Families and Health Care Providers on Tuesday, November 18 at the Fairfield Public Library. The discussion will be held in the Memorial Room of the Main Library, 1080 Old Post Road at 7 pm. Dr. Frank is a hematologist/oncologist and will discuss his book and cancers that affect men. He is the Director of Cancer Research at Norwalk Hospital’s Whittingham Cancer Center and Medical Director of the Mid-Fairfield Hospice in Wilton, CT. Prior to joining Norwalk Hospital, Dr. Frank was an attending physician at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Books will be available for purchasing and signing. Advanced registration is required due to thelimited space. All…

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