
Fairfield News: Steam Leak North Stratfield School

1:00am--#Fairfield CT--Firefighters on scene for an alarm at North Stratfield School on Putting Green Road.  After an extensive investigation they found a steam leak in one of the tunnels.   This report sponsored by: Bomberos en escena para una alarma en Stratfield School Norte en green carretera. Después de una extensa investigación que encontraron una fuga de vapor en uno de los túneles. Bombeiros na cena para um alarme em North Stratfield School on Putting Green Road. Após uma extensa investigação encontraram uma fuga de vapor em um dos túneis.

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Norwalk News: 2 Captured for Shots Fired

UPDATE: There was no pursuit. The police told me they did a slow roll to set up the felony stop but they did comply and pulled over. A handgun was recovered.   5:40pm--#cttraffic--Police have two in custody after a short pursuit on I-95 northbound near exit 19.  State Police, Norwalk, Fairfield and Westport Police were involved in the short pursuit.  The suspects are wanted for shots fired in Norwalk.   The state has turned off the traffic camera so I won't be able to give much of a visual update or the impact on traffic this is causing.  Its not a fatal or a threat, I'm not sure why the turned off the PUBLIC cameras.

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Southport News: Pequot Avenue Closed

11:01am--#Southport CT--Pequot Avenue is closed due to a utility pole on fire.  The fire is on top of the pole.  UI has been notified.   This report sponsored by:   Pequot Avenue está cerrada debido a un poste de electricidad en el fuego. El fuego es en la parte superior del poste. IU ha sido notificada. Pequot Avenue é fechada devido a um poste em chamas. O fogo está no topo do poste. UI foi notificada.

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Fairfield News: Woman Found Lying In Road

4:35pm--#Fairfield CT-- A woman was found unresponsive in cardiac arrest in the middle of the road at Tuckahoe Lane.  Two firefighters on the way to Bridgeport Hospital assisting AMR.   This report sponsored by: Una mujer fue encontrada inconsciente en el paro cardíaco en medio de la carretera en Tuckahoe Lane. Dos bomberos en el camino a Bridgeport hospitalario que asiste a AMR. Uma mulher foi encontrada inconsciente com parada cardíaca no meio da rua na Tuckahoe Lane. Dois bombeiros a caminho de Bridgeport Hospital auxiliando AMR.

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Sobriety Checkpoints

WEEKEND ALERTS: Temporary Tow Zones & Sobriety Checkpoints in the Fairfield Beach area on Saturday, April 25, 2015: The Fairfield Police Department will be conducting two separate Sobriety Checkpoints in the Fairfield Beach area on Saturday, April 25, 2015. In addition, Temporary Tow Away Zones will be in effect from 10 AM until 6 PM on Saturday, April 25, 2015.   Temporary Tow Away Zones in the Beach area will be in effect on Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 10 AM until 6 PM. The following streets will be effected:  Fairfield Beach Road from Penfield Road to College Place  Reef Road from Quincy Street south to Fairfield Beach Road  Lalley Blvd from Quincy Street south to Fairfield Beach Road  Rowland Road from Quincy…

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Fairfield News: Stolen Looney Tunes Art

5:20pm--#Fairfield News: Dr. Jeffrey Berkley DDS is down in the mouth after finding one cells from his matched Looney Tunes dental cell set was stolen out of his office some time today.  "Breaking up the set might as well have made the rest worthless" he told me.  The cartoon cells are number from a dental collection he purchased.  The other cell is numbered and is fairly worthless by itself and is identifiable to other collectors as it being stolen. The suspect who he may know, will have trouble selling the print.  If a pawn shop purchases the cell and police discover it in the shop the cell will to be returned to the Doctor Berkley and the pawn shop is…

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Fairfield News: Missing Person/Boater

Westport Police Press Release: Department received a call from Fairfield Police Department in regards to a missing person investigation initiated out of their town. A search of known places that the missing person frequented resulted in locating his vehicle at Burying Hill Beach in Westport. With the help of Fairfield PD, Norwalk PD, and the US Coast Guard; the waters off of Westport were searched. Fairfield PD located the victims’ rowing skull beached on Cockeone Island. A foot search of Cockeone Island by Westport and Fairfield PD located the missing person, deceased, in the mud The deceased has been identified as William Supone, age 61, of Fairfield, CT and was transported to the Office of Chief Medical Examiners for autopsy as this investigation continues. 10:59pm--UPDATE: The boat has…

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