
Westport News: Slow Speed Pursuit Into Fairfield

10:02pm--#Westport CT--Westport Police attempted to stop a car on motor vehicle charges on the Post Road.  When officers approached the vehicle the car took off in a slow speed pursuit.  They caught up with the driver when he pulled over and cooperated with the officers in front of the Southport Brewery in Fairfield.  The man was ticket and released.   This report sponsored by Nick's Precision Automotive.  Nick keeps the DoingItLocalMobile on the  road so I can bring you the news!

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Fairfield News: Melville Mallard Rescue

12:02pm--#Fairfield CT--Just after noontime a passerby noticed baby ducks that had fallen in a storm drain in the Warde High School parking lot on the Knapps Highway side.   Firefighters used a milk crate attached to a rope  and small brooms to nudge them into the crate.  They continued ducking firefighters even after their capture  slipping from their grasp.  Eventually the firefighters were able to return them to the waiting mama duck.  The town will put the charges on the mother's bill, they do not suspect fowl play........ Justo después del mediodía un transeúnte notó patitos que habían caído en un colector de aguas pluviales en el estacionamiento Warde Escuela Secundaria en el lado Knapps carretera. Los bomberos utilizaron una…

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