
Eight Bridgeport Students Recognized as Winners in the 19th Annual eesmarts™ Student Contest 

Connecticut students submitted projects to the statewide contest promoting sustainability, energy efficiency, and clean and renewable energy BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – Bridgeport students Fatima Awad, Caleb Hayes, Isabella Imran V Bala, Trey Keirans, Suri Nogueira, Alicia Palacios, Renesh Srinivasan and Melinda Villa were recently honored as winners in the 19th Annualeesmarts™ Student Contest.    Presented by Energize Connecticut℠ in partnership with Eversource and Avangrid subsidiaries, United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas and Connecticut Natural Gas, the eesmarts Student Contest invited Connecticut students in grades K-12 to showcase their energy smarts.  Participants chose from a variety of project formats based on their grade level, including poems, essays, posters, billboard advertisements, comic strips, short videos, persuasive images and more.  Isabella won 2nd place in the…

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