Fire destroys unoccupied Fairfield home
[caption id="attachment_3959" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Fortunately this home was unoccupied at the time of the blaze."][/caption]FAIRFIELD, CT, September 5, 2011: At 4:23 this morning the Fairfield Emergency Communications Center received a call reporting “a burning odor” in the area of Woodbine Lane; Fairfield Fire Department Engine 3 responded and reported a working structure fire at 50 Chatham Road with a two-story ranch fully involved. Fire attack was initiated by the ladderpipe master stream knocking down the large body of fire in the center area of the home, according to Assistant Chief Chris Tracy who served as incident commander, after which fire crews were able to complete their searches and confirm initial reports that the home was unoccupied at the time of…