Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

Walgreen plans to sell health insurance

Walgreen Co., the nation's largest drugstore chain, is planning to start selling health insurance to customers this fall.  The Deerfield-based company will sell health insurance products with different price ranges and coverage levels from coast-to-coast through a private health insurance exchange, according to people familiar with the matter.  Read full story......

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Happenings NOW 8-9 thru 8-13

[SlideDeck id='494' width='100%' height='400px'] Fairfield--A pediatric burn at Berwick Ave. caused by a plate of food falling on the child, and now a 6 year old Knapps Highway child has a TV fall on him, has a bloodied nose.. 12:43pm--Fairfield--Police, fire department and EMTs on scene at Penny's Diner on Black Rock Turnpike for an employee that had a fall. 11:11pm--In the you can't make this up department-- EMTs on the way to Bond Street Bridgeport for a teen with a penile hemorrhage. 8:17pm--#Bridgeport--Pedestri​an struck at Madison Ave. and Federal Street.  UPDATE: White male mid 30s with a head injury bleeding from the head. 11:15pm--#Bridgeport--Report of a teenager stuck under the bridge but NOT in the water the on the Yellow…

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Gomes drops out of race for mayor in Bridgeport

In a statement just released from the Gomes Campaign: "After a year on the campaign trail, visiting hundreds of businesses, knocking on thousands of doors and collecting the necessary number of signatures to qualify for the ballot - I will no longer be a candidate for Mayor but am partnering with Mary Jane and asking my supporters to join me to help us create a new partnership for a new Bridgeport." "The political machine that props up Bill Finch is hurting our people and blocking progress. We are never going to fix our schools, rebuild the economy, lower taxes, or change the culture at city hall as long as Bill Finch and his machine are in control. My campaign has been about…

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Happenings NOW 8-6 thru 8-8 2011

[SlideDeck id='494' width='100%' height='400px'] 11:15pm--#Bridgeport--Report of a teenager stuck under the bridge but NOT in the water the on the Yellow Mill/Stratford Stratford Ave. A ladder is needed for rescue.  11:20 UPDATE--Fire department now requesting marine rescue unit to the scene at the foot of the bridge.   11:36pm--UPDATE--Teen rescued. 10:11--Bridgeport--AMR warning EMTs to use caution in the downtown area, that there is a high speed chase in progress.   10:43--#Westport--FIGHT!  Customers fighting with the bouncers at Splash Restaurant 260 Compo Road South.  Police on the way. 10:33pm--#Trumbull In front of 325 Daniels Farm Road a utility pole is on fire. 10:31pm--#Bridgeport--EMTs on their way to an attempted hanging at 300 Congress Street. We don't normally report on these but 300…

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