On Thursday, March 25, 2021 a Booth Hill School student was met by a Trumbull Police
officer to communicate and learn about the police, become informed of reasons why
officers visit schools, and also to explain various other services the police provide to the
community, however, this was no ordinary interaction.
Booth Hill School elementary student, Teesa Arden, met with Officer Derek Laaser, who
is also fluent in sign language, where they shared a very special connection with each
other and communicated via sign.
The teachers told Teesa that they had a surprise for her, so they brought into the
school’s hallway where Officer Laaser was awaiting her arrival. Teesa then met with
Officer Laaser who began communicating with her via sign. They began to interact and
communicate with each other in their own special way creating a bond and showing
Tessa that there are many police officers who can communicate with others in various
ways, and proving this with Officer Laaser whom she can more easily communicate with.
Booth Hill Elementary School teachers arranged for this special meet and greet as a
great way to let Teesa know how police officers are in the schools and the community to
help people. They went over important information and he let her know that if she ever
needed help that there are police officers who are able to communicate with her. They
also talked about how to get help from other people who do not know sign language.
Sign language is only one of the many areas in which the Trumbull Police Department is
growing, and becoming more diverse to better represent and serve its community.
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