Bridgeport, CT – Heavy rains and flash floods in June and July caused abnormal flooding in the area of Nob Hill Apartments and Pennsylvania Avenue.  In response to a community meeting to discuss resident reports of flooding in the area of Nob Hill – City Engineering Department, Emergency Operations Center, WPCA, and Department of Public Facilities gathered to identify problems that may be causing the unusually high-water levels.

Officials visited locations along the water shed which start downstream and move upstream.  City of Bridgeport Engineering Department identified points of blockage in the tributary as the cause of abnormal flooding occurrences that happened in the Nob Hill area of the East Side.  The blockage areas that caused the flooding were identified and then removed on July 20th, 2020.   Residents can be assured that their concerns were heard, city officials sourced the problems and fixed it immediately.   Anyone that is interested in viewing photos and summary provided by City Engineer, Jon Urquidi, may click here: .

City officials found that there were cut logs, tires, and other debris at an outfall pipe at the Detention Pond downstream of the Transfer Station and the headwall entry to the privately owned GE property culvert.  After removal of debris by General Electric contractors and City crew downstream from the Transfer Station, stream flow was immediately restored.   Since removing this debris, there have been several significant rain events and no new reports of flooding for the area which helped WPCA and City officials to confirm these sites as the cause of localized street flooding.  While the blockage has been removed, the original source of the debris remains unknown.

City of Bridgeport and WPCA will increase frequency of inspection of culverts and outfall pipes before storm events.   Residents, business owners, and contractors are reminded to properly dispose of tree limbs, logs, and garbage to help limit what is carried in the flow of the stormwater system.

If you see anyone illegally dumping trash, please report it by immediately calling 203-330-4203.


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By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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