Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Andrew N. Mais joined the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in asking everyone to be prepared to act if they are in the path of a hurricane. National Weather Service forecasters predict this year’s hurricane season, which officially began June 1, will be above average.

“As we focus on reopening Connecticut and recovering from the effects of COVID-19, we shouldn’t lose sight of hurricane season and doing what we can to protect our property and loved ones,” said Commissioner Mais. “Taking precautions and adequately preparing before catastrophe strikes is essential.”

Policyholders should discuss with their agent, broker or insurance company if their current insurance coverage is still appropriate and adequate, and verify that any new additions or updates have been properly reflected in the reconstruction cost and/or personal property coverages. In addition, consumers should take this time to make sure they fully understand their policy’s deductibles, including hurricane deductibles or voluntary wind deductibles.*


Commissioner Mais added that damage from flooding is excluded from homeowners, condo, and renters insurance, but separate policies can be purchased from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or a private insurer


There is a 30-day waiting period before a flood insurance policy takes effect, so now may be the time to shop for quotes as coverage, deductibles and premium costs can vary.

In case a hurricane, severe storm, flood, or other emergency forces you out of your home, here are some essential items to gather and bring with you in a go-bag:

  • Cash: If the power goes out, credit cards won’t work. Keep cash on hand for replenishing supplies.
  • Medications: Pharmacies might be closed, and hospitals could be overwhelmed. Keep a backup supply (at least several days’ worth) of important medications like blood pressure medicine and insulin.
  • A Battery-Powered Weather Radio: If electricity is out and cell towers are down, this is your only way to know what’s happening.
  • A Back-up Cell Phone Battery Charger: You may need to recharge your phone should the electricity go out.
  • Important Documents: Social Security cards, passports, birth certificates, driver’s licenses and more could all be lost or destroyed in a flood. Keep copies of these documents in a waterproof container along with your home insurer’s telephone number and a copy of your flood insurance policy so you can quickly file a claim if needed.
  • List of Shelters: In this time of social distancing, not all shelters are open. Be sure to make a list of shelters where you can retreat and bring a change of clothes.
  • Masks and Hand Sanitizer: Should a disaster drive you out of your home and into a crowded shared space, you should have PPE supplies just in case.
  • An Accurate Home InventoryCreate an inventory

    of your possessions every year. Without this checklist, you may forget to claim items lost due to fire or another covered event. The NAIC offers the myHOME app

    to capture images, descriptions, bar codes and serial numbers of personal possessions and stores the information electronically for safekeeping.

* Conn. State statute only permits a mandatory hurricane deductible in certain areas of the state. Wind deductibles are allowed for homeowners, however, a company may not mandate a wind deductible as a means for issuing or renewing a homeowner policy.


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By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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