Laurence Bradley, Westport Planning & Zoning Director announced today that on February 27, 2014, the Planning & Zoning Commission is scheduled to review two text amendments (Amendment #669 and Amendment #672) to the Westport Zoning Regulations.

Amendment #669 (Application #13-065) was submitted by Karen Johnson on behalf of DC Kemper- Gunn, LLC to modify the zoning regulations to allow for the relocation of historic buildings in the Business Center District/Historic (BCD/H Zone).

Amendment #672 (Application #14-007) was submitted by the Planning & Zoning Commission to limit the size of commercial tenant spaces in the Business Center District (BCD Zone) and the Business Center District/Historic (BCD/H Zone) to no more than 10,000 square feet. The amendment is also designed to preclude the merger of commercial properties or tenant spaces across property lines within these two zones. It further proposes that parking for new floor area in the BCD/H Zone will be now required.

All those interested in these amendments are encouraged to attend the Planning & Zoning Commission’s public hearing on February 27th Copies of the amendments are available for viewing in Town Hall both in the P&Z Office and in the office of the Town Clerk.

The Commission can receive written comments from the public in advance of the hearing. Once the hearing is closed, no more information or comments will be accepted. at 7:00 PM in the Westport Town Hall Auditorium.

By Alex

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