The Office of Consumer Counsel filed a petition with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority requesting they commence a contested proceeding to investigate Frontier Communication’s well-documented and prolonged non-compliance with the Quality of Service standards that telecommunications companies are required to meet in accordance with Connecticut statutes and regulations.
Connecticut’s certified telecommunications providers, like Frontier, are required to file semi-annual Quality of Service reports outlining their performance on a six-month basis in five categories: Trouble Reports Per Hundred Lines, Maintenance Appointments Met, Installation Appointments Met, Installation Interval, and Out of Service Repair. These categories are each broken down into performance by region (New Haven/Berkshire, Bridgeport/Gateway, Capitol, and East) as well as by average for the entire state.
The petition calls attention to each of the instances where Frontier’s reporting indicates they not only fell short of these standards during several reporting periods, but also failed to file exception reports explaining their failures and including a timeline for improvement as is also required. The reports assessed span sixteen reporting periods, from January 2015, which was the start of first reporting period after the control of SNET changed from AT&T to Frontier, until the end of the most recent reporting period in June 2023.