Press Release – All Is Well In Ganimville

Despite 12 homicides for 2023, 634 ShotSpotter Activations & Record Low Police Ranks
Mayor Ganim and the Bridgeport Police Department Announce Decrease in Crime Statistics

Bridgeport, CT – The Bridgeport Police Department has reported that overall crime statistics throughout the City have been on a decline in comparison to this time last year. The most notable statistical decrease can be found in shooting incidents throughout Bridgeport. The number of shooting incidents has dropped by almost 34% from this time last year, with non-fatal shooting victims at a 40% decrease, and fatal shooting victims at a 33% decrease. This decline comes from the avid efforts being put in to boost recruitment throughout the department while continuing initiatives to build community engagement throughout the City.

“With safety being my number one priority in Bridgeport, I’m very happy that we are starting to see a decline in our crime statistics,” stated Mayor Ganim. “Our residents deserve to feel safe, especially during the warmer seasons, so our children and families can enjoy all the amenities and events that Bridgeport has to offer. I want to thank the Bridgeport Police Department for their continued hard work in protecting Bridgeport and committing themselves to their initiatives of recruiting and increasing community engagement.”

The department’s large social media presence has been one of the most significant tools being used to communicate with Bridgeport residents, especially when providing updates on criminal activity. Officers have been heavily involved in community affairs in recent months, allowing neighborhoods to build relationships with those that protect them. With these relationships being displayed on social media, recruitment efforts have also added to the decrease in crime, as the department has made large strides towards strengthening the manpower of the department. Partnered by this, the Bridgeport Police Department has also applied for the Justice Education Center grant, which would fund two officers to each of the three housing complexes in Bridgeport for three days a week, 8 hours a day for a 6-week period. If the grant is awarded to the City, this will directly impact Bridgeport’s crime statistics with the goal of reaching a further decrease in shootings throughout the City.

Chief Porter stated, “We’re currently down 60 officers but have managed to increase our police presence downtown and increase community efforts throughout our department in recent months. In turn, the residents of Bridgeport have begun to feel safer and I’m very humbled to know our efforts are paying off.” 

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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