On Wednesday January 8, 2025 at approximately 3:30PM a dog was reported to be in the middle of the road in the area of 200 South Main Street. Good Samaritans trying to retrieve the dog startled it and it ran down an approximate 200’ embankment to the train tracks below. The dog was then observed in a culvert that connected to an 18” drain pipe that went under the rail lines.
Seymour Fire Department crews responded and under the direction of Chief Chris Edwards called for a hold on train service and sent firefighters over the embankment utilizing a lowering system as well as utilizing a newly purchased UTV to get crews to the dog.
Unable to make entry to the pipe, Oxford Fire Department was requested to assist with the confined space entry. While awaiting additional manpower, the dog’s owner arrived. Fire Department personnel utilizing the UTV took the owner to the culvert and were able to coax the scared, but uninjured dog out.
The dog, Nicky, an approximately one year old Shih Tzu, was evaluated by animal control personnel. Thank you to the Citizens’ Engine Company, Great Hill Hose Company, Seymour EMS, MTA Police, and Oxford Fire Department for your efforts in bringing the dog home.