The Mentes family, beloved members of both the Bridgeport and Fairfield communities, are facing unimaginable challenges following a devastating house fire that occurred in the early hours of December 28th. Known for their unwavering dedication to helping others, the Mentes family now finds themselves in need of the community’s support.
Mike Mentes, a dedicated Bridgeport firefighter with 17 years of service, was on duty at the time of the fire, protecting the very community he calls home. His wife, Jess, a nursing student, was at home and forced to jump out of a window to escape the flames, saving the family’s beloved dog and cat in the process. Thankfully, their three daughters, Morgan (16), Ireland (14), and Reagan (11), were away at a sleepover and unharmed.
The fire left the Mentes family’s home condemned and destroyed nearly all their belongings, from cherished wedding albums to the girls’ Christmas gifts. Despite their profound loss, Mike and Jess have expressed gratitude for the overwhelming outpouring of support from friends, neighbors, and fellow first responders.
During a press conference held earlier today, officials and community leaders, including State Senator Tony Hwang, local fire chiefs, and members of the Fairfield and Bridgeport Fire Departments, highlighted the importance of community solidarity. Senator Hwang reflected, “This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together and help a family who has always been there for others.”
Mike’s colleagues and local leaders emphasized the critical role that firefighters like him play in protecting our communities, often sacrificing their own safety. Chief Lance Edwards of the Bridgeport Fire Department remarked, “Mike has always been one of the good ones, a dedicated firefighter who now needs our help.”
The Mentes family’s gratitude was heartfelt. Jess urged the public to check their smoke detectors, emphasizing that their own preparedness saved her life. She also announced that part of the funds received will go toward smoke detector programs in Bridgeport and Fairfield to help prevent future tragedies.
How to Help
A GoFundMe page has been established to assist the Mentes family in rebuilding their lives. Additionally, donations can be made through the “Give In Kind” platform, which allows for contributions such as gift cards for essential items and services. Details can be found at the links below:
- GoFundMe:
- Give In Kind:
The Fairfield and Bridgeport communities have demonstrated extraordinary compassion and unity in the wake of this tragedy. As Jess Mentes aptly said, “It takes a village, and what we’ve seen here is that village coming together.”
Thank you for your support in helping the Mentes family rebuild their lives.