Bridgeport Classical Studies School hosted BusPatrol — the nation’s leader in school bus safety technology — and WE Transport to deliver an educational road safety workshop for elementary grade students at Bridgeport Public Schools. 

During the interactive lesson, students learned practical tips to stay safe on the ride to and from school, including the importance of looking both ways, understanding the danger zone around the bus, and recognizing common safety hazards.  

“Education is the cornerstone to our mission of creating safer roads for all students,” said Justin Meyers, President and Chief Innovation Officer of BusPatrol. “As we educate motorists to follow the rules of the road, it’s equally important that we equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to stay safe on their journey to and from school. I thank Bridgeport Public Schools for partnering with BusPatrol on this community-wide collaboration to help keep our children safe.” 

 “Sharing reminders and tips with our students is critically important to everyone’s safety on and off the bus,” said Franco Indomenico, Vice President of WE Transport. “In recognition of National Bus Safety Week, WE Transport is proud to join BusPatrol and Bridgeport Public Schools to highlight how new technology and preparedness can make a positive difference.”  

As part of the session, BusPatrol distributed activity books and presented a short animation, reminding the kids of the rules around school bus safety. BusPatrol developed the materials in consultation with school and transportation experts to educate children, motorists, and entire communities about the importance of school bus safety. 

Each school year, an estimated 45.2 million reckless motorists illegally pass school buses stopped with their red lights flashing and stop-arms extended, putting children at significant risk. BusPatrol recently partnered with Bridgeport Public Schools and WE Transport to launch a new school bus stop-arm photo enforcement program aimed at reducing the number of drivers who unlawfully pass stopped school buses by installing stop-arm cameras on the city’s fleet of 248 city school buses. Over a six-month trial, BusPatrol logged nearly 10,000 instances of vehicles illegally passing school buses in Bridgeport.

By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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