Back to School Safety Tip Reminders from the Trumbull Police Dept

As another summer season winds down and schools are about to re-open, the Trumbull Police would like to remind everyone of some tips for safety for this specific time of year. Not only will additional vehicular traffic be expected, but there will be an increase of pedestrians on the roads as students will be walking to and from bus stops and their schools. Other students will be driven to and from schools at various times to include after school activities. School faculty members will also add to the increased traffic on the roadways during various times. Back to school safety is not just for kids and their parents, but it affects everyone in the community.

Safety tips for children and teens:

Always walk on sidewalks, whenever they are available.

Always cross at intersections and designated crosswalks; not between parked cars.

Look for traffic when stepping off a bus or from behind parked cars.

Always obey crossing guards. Wait for a crossing guard to control traffic before crossing the street.

Make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street. Never assume a driver sees you.

When walking, don’t be distracted by electronic devices that take your eyes and ears off the road.

Always wear a secure-fitting, safety-approved helmet when riding a bicycle.

Bicycles must be ridden on the right side of the road, in the direction of traffic. Bicyclists must also follow the same rules of the road as motorists.

Safety tips for drivers:

Always remain alert. Watch for pedestrians, children, cyclists, and school busses.

Obey all traffic rules, signs, and signals.

Follow speed limits and be aware of school zones. Do not block the crosswalk.

Put away your cellphone. We will be watching for distracted drivers!

Keep an eye on children gathered at bus stops.

Be alert for children who might dart across the street or between vehicles.

Watch for crossing guards at crosswalks within school zones. Come to a complete stop while the crossing guard has their stop sign displayed and until all pedestrians have exited the crosswalk.

Drop off and pick up your children in your school’s designated areas.

Do not let your children exit a car on the traffic side of your vehicle.

Pass a bicyclist with caution as you would a slow-moving vehicle, and only when safe.

As we begin a new school year, we want to stress that student safety is our top priority, and we are always working to ensure that children are safe. A safe community for children is a safe community for us all. Whether you are a student, parent, or a member of the community, these tips can help make the school year safe and happy for everyone. The Trumbull Police Department would like to work together to make this a safe and successful school year for all.

By Alex

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