Living Bird-Friendly Series Takes Flight in Fairfield on April 12 and 13
Fairfield, Conn, April 1, 2024--Pequot Library is pleased to launch its Living Bird-Friendly series on April12 and 13. The series, free and open to the public, includes remarks from Fairfield First Selectman BillGerber on April 13 at 10:30 a.m. and a host of presentations designed to inspire community action onbehalf of birds, for the joy and beauty that they bring to all of us.Living Bird-Friendly will provide more information about how to live more “bird friendly”, includingeliminating window collisions; decreasing light pollution; planting native plants and flowers; andfollowing bird-friendly pest control strategies. According to Pequot Library Adult Programs ManagerCharlie McMahon, “Pequot Library is proud to take a leadership role on this important topic byconvening area experts who can teach us…