“As Mayor, I directed legal counsel for the City, to file an appeal last week with the Superior Court from the Siting Council granting the United Illuminating Company (UI) a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the Fairfield to Congress Railroad Transmission Line. The approved plan that the City is appealing would permit the installation of massive utility poles (Monopoles) replacing existing transmission lines within the South End of the city.
Bridgeport city attorneys took this action on my direction to preserve and protect our residents and property owners from a poorly designed project. Make no mistake, this project, if allowed to proceed, will be an aesthetic eyesore and an unjust blight on the Park City.
The grounds of the City’s appeal include claims of legal prejudice because the Siting Council’s decision is clearly erroneous considering the reliable, prohibitive, and substantial evidence introduced opposing the project, and because there is a lack of sufficient evidence in the administrative hearing record to justify such a decision.”
Mayor Ganim offered that he is confident the City’s appeal will be successful. Further, the Mayor announced that the City’s support for any future alternative plan will require UI to bury the transmission lines for every section of the project where it is environmentally feasible to do so.
Undergrounding UI’s infrastructure will avoid negative impacts on historic and other sensitive abutting properties and will facilitate rather than impede the planned future development of Bridgeport’s waterfront.
Mayor Ganim emphasized that “No revised plan will be deemed acceptable to Bridgeport that does not provide protection to the maximum extent possible from any negative impacts upon our vulnerable population. Moreover, any future compromise proposed plan will need full public vetting before our impacted Neighborhood Revitalization Zones (NRZs) prior to it receiving City support. My administration will continue its vigilance in holding our local public utilities fully accountable to the population they serve and ensuring that the residents of this City are always treated fairly and equitably.”