On September 30, 2022 at approximately 11:30 PM, Westport Police responded to a one-car motor vehicle crash on Cross Highway in the area of #188. Responding Officers located the crash and found the operator, Sholah Weinbaum of Westport, CT, aged 61 at the time, seated in the driver seat. Upon interaction, the investigating officer began speaking with Ms. Weinbaum and it was apparent she was allegedly operating the motor vehicle while potentially under the influence. Notable observations included her slurred speech, the distinct odor of an alcoholic beverage, and her inability to recount how the crash happened. She was subsequently transported to the hospital. Following a thorough investigation, an arrest warrant was issued. On September 22, 2023, Ms. Weinbaum surrendered herself in connection to the active warrant. She was subsequently charged with Driving Under the Influence and Failure to Drive in Proper Lane. After the arrest, she was released on a court-set bond of $5,000.00. Her court hearing is scheduled for October 16, 2023 at Stamford Superior Court.

By Alex

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