Month: August 2023

New York Man Arrested in Westport for Identity Theft and Personal Information Trafficking

On October 4, 2022 Westport Police initiated an investigation after a complainantreported that they had a check fraudulently altered and cashed. The complainant provided thebasic information of the incident, and the case was turned over the Detective Bureau. ThroughLaw Enforcement sharing Westport Detectives were advised that Wilton Police had arrested Mr.Licona in September 2022 for similar financial crimes. At the time of his arrest, a laptop and cellphones were seized. Search warrants were executed on these devices and evidence from ourlarceny case was located on his electronic devices. An arrest warrant was signed and on August3, 2023, Westport Detectives responded to Westchester Correctional Center and arrested Mr.Licona. He was transported to Westport Police Department where he was charged with theabove…

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Narcotics Arrest

During May 2023, the Special Services Division began receiving information that Joshua Powell wasselling large quantities of powder and crack cocaine that contained fentanyl within the City of Norwalk.An investigation was initiated into Powell’s narcotics trafficking enterprise. Over the next severalmonths, investigators made several controlled narcotics purchases from Powell. As a result of theirinvestigation, five arrest warrants were issued for Powell charging him with sale of a controlledsubstance.On August 10, 2023, at 7:30pm, officers from the Special Services Division observed Powell on MainStreet. As Officers approached, he attempted to discard cocaine. Powell was taken into custody withoutincident. The cocaine seized during the arrest field tested positive for the presence of fentanyl. Arrested: Joshua Powell, 30 of StamfordCharges: Sale of Narcotics…

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Press Release – Bridgeport Police Chief’s Pension Cut In Half

A judge has upheld the decision to reduce former Bridgeport Police Chief Armando "A.J." Perez's pension by 50 percent due to his involvement in cheating on the 2018 police chief's exam and lying to the FBI about it. The judge emphasized that the facts were clear regarding Perez's intentional actions and their negative impact on the public trust and fair evaluation processes. Despite pleas from Perez's wife, a portion of the reduced pension will still be allocated to her. Perez's lawyer attempted to challenge the order, claiming misunderstandings, but the judge maintained the clarity of the original ruling. Perez and the city's former personnel director, David Dunn, were both sentenced for conspiracy to commit wire fraud and making false statements…

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