(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont, Connecticut Department of Administrative Services Commissioner Michelle Gilman, and Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Alexandra Daum are recognizing Black-Owned Business Month, which is celebrated nationally each August. The commemoration provides an opportunity to acknowledge the resilience, innovation, and economic impact of Black-owned businesses in Connecticut and across the country.

“Our administration is proud to celebrate Black-Owned Business Month and acknowledge the many businesses across Connecticut that contribute to our communities and our economy,” Governor Lamont said. “By supporting small minority-owned businesses, we are strengthening our local economy and creating more job opportunities in our neighborhoods.”

“The Department of Administrative Services is committed to promoting inclusivity and economic growth by providing resources, services, and certifications to small and minority-owned businesses,” Commissioner Gilman said. “This month not only recognizes the economic contributions of Black-owned businesses but also highlights continued opportunities to expand our small business footprint across Connecticut. We encourage all small and minority owned businesses to become certified by our Supplier Diversity Team and learn about ways to contract with the State of Connecticut.”

“Black-owned businesses are a vital part of our economy for the jobs they create and the vibrancy they bring to our communities,” Commissioner Daum said. “In the past, many businesses – particularly small businesses – have had difficulties accessing resources to help them innovate and grow. The Lamont administration has taken a comprehensive approach to addressing this issue by investing in a number of grant and loan programs, including the Connecticut Small Business Boost Fund, and strengthening the state’s business support network.”

“The Minority Construction Council is proud to recognize and celebrate Black-Owned Business Month,” Jennifer Little-Greer, executive director of the Minority Construction Council, said. “Throughout the year, MCC collaborates with Governor Lamont, DAS, and DECD to advocate, support, and create development opportunities for minority contractors throughout the State of Connecticut.”

During Black-Owned Business Month and throughout the year, it is essential to actively support and promote black-owned businesses in Connecticut. Here are a few ways to contribute:

  • Patronize Black-Owned Businesses: Make a conscious effort to support black-owned businesses by seeking out their products and services. Explore online directories and local business associations to discover and engage with these enterprises.
  • Spread the Word: Utilize social media platforms and word-of-mouth to promote black-owned businesses you have personally experienced. Share their stories, reviews, and achievements to encourage others to support them as well.
  • Attend Community Events: Participate in local events, fairs, and markets that showcase black-owned businesses. This not only helps businesses gain exposure but also fosters a sense of community and solidarity.
  • Collaborate and Partner: If you own a business or work in a relevant industry, consider collaborations or partnerships with black-owned businesses. This can lead to mutually beneficial opportunities and contribute to a more diverse and inclusive business landscape.

The Procurement Division of the Department of Administrative Services manages the Supplier Diversity Program and offers other certification programs, technical assistance, and networking opportunities for small and minority-owned businesses. Small and minority-owned businesses economically benefit from certification with the state through government contracting and other private sector opportunities. Businesses that are interested in registering as small or minority-owned can do so through the Department of Administrative Service’s website.

By Alex

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