FAIRFIELD, Connecticut (January 30, 2023) – You may have heard that you need to “know your
numbers,” which refers to key markers of heart health like blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar,
body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference. Although doctors test most of these numbers at
annual check-ups, it’s important that you know your numbers and understand what they mean. By
keeping those numbers within a healthy range, you can greatly improve your heart health and reduce
your risk for heart disease.
February is Heart Health month and the Fairfield Health Department is celebrating by urging all
residents to make sure they know their numbers. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the
United States for both men and woman, and it is preventable. The Fairfield Health Department staff will
provide you with resources and information to help you take the steps to reduce your risk.
The Fairfield Health Department will be hosting three FREE “Know Your Numbers” testing and
informational screenings. The dates, times, and locations are below.
Wednesday, February, 1 st 2023 – 10AM – 1PM at the Public Health Nursing Office
Wednesday, February, 8 th 2023 – 10AM – 1PM at the Public Health Nursing Office
Wednesday, February, 15 th 2023 – 10AM – 1PM at the Public Health Nursing Office
During these times, a Public Health Nurse will conduct a simple blood test to determine an individual’s
A1c, blood pressure and body weight. The tests should only take about 10 minutes.
Registration is required for these screenings. Screening is for adults only ages 18 years and older.
For more information or to make an appointment please contact Santina Jaronko, Assistant Director of
Health for Community, at 203-256-3150 or sjaronko@fairfieldct.org.

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