Westport News: Identity Theft Among Multiple Charges
#Westport CT-- On May 25, 2021, the Westport Police began to investigate suspicious withdrawals fromthe bank account of a person who died in February 2021. The appointed fiduciary reported thatas she was reviewing the deceased’s bank statements, she noticed that several cash withdrawalswere made between the day after the man died and May of 2021. It was determined that thewithdrawals occurred at the ATMs of area banks. The investigating detective was able to obtainsurveillance footage of the alleged illegal cash withdrawals. The footage showed a younger maleand an older female as well as the car that they were driving. Based on that information, AdamClawson and his mother, Arlene Clawson, were developed as suspects. Mr. Clawson supposedlyran errands for the deceased…