The Connecticut State Senate passed a bill legalizing self-pour technology in state bars, restaurants, and breweries. The original bill allowing self-pour technology (SB 265), which passed in the General Law committee with overwhelming support, was folded into a larger bill (SB 894) as an amendment.
In response, Mike Gallop, owner of a Tapville Mobile Taproom franchised in Brookfield, CT, made the following statement:
“For Nutmeg State job-creators and consumers, this bill is a win-win. Allowing self-pour technology in Connecticut will boost our state’s economic competitiveness, empower and protect consumers, and increase revenue in local communities.
“Currently, Connecticut is one of the only states east of the Mississippi River that prohibits self-pour technology. To better compete in an increasingly competitive marketplace, we need to allow restaurants, bars, breweries, and more to utilize automated self-pour systems.
“Thanks to the State Senate for supporting this job-creating, revenue-generating, consumer-centric measure. I urge members of the House of Representatives to do the same, and once passed, for the governor to sign the bill into law.”