Sanitation and Recycling Thursday routes are suspended due to focus on snow removal efforts. Services will resume on Friday, December 18th. If your normal pick up day is Thursday, it will be postponed until Friday, and Friday pick up will be on Saturday. DPF Sanitation crews will be working through the weekend to ensure all trash and recycling is clear. Please be patient and keep toters on your property until street plowing is complete. Please be sure that your trash and recycling toters are easily accessible so that crews may have access for proper removal.
Transfer Station will reopen on Friday, December 18th.
Snow Related Emergencies
Residents may call the Bridgeport Emergency Operations Center hotline at 203-579-3829 with any snow related emergencies.
If residents suffer a loss of electricity call the United Illuminating customer hotline at 800-722-5584 or 203-579-3829. Both numbers are for 24-hour emergency service.
Immediate danger to life and health issues call 9-1-1.
Operation Care – to help protect the homeless population from unsafe temperatures, please call 2-1-1. Homeless Outreach Team has continued to work with Prospect House and Operation Hope to connect the homeless population with shelter.
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