#Fairfield CT– The rate of new positive COVID-19 cases in Fairfield continues to trend downward. With this positive news, I hope our residents will continue to remain cautious. As we open more locations and allow for more gatherings, we are all taking on more risk of potentially reversing those trend lines.

Those who are at high risk should continue to take precautions and strictly follow the CDC guidelines. All residents should continue to wear face coverings in public per the CDC and Governor’s executive order. We have seen many other states across the nation experience spikes as a result of reopening and we have to anticipate the possibility that it could happen here too.

The Town of Fairfield has 637 residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 and a total of 138 of our residents have lost their lives. My prayers continue to be with those families who have lost a loved one during this very difficult time.

Of the 637 residents who have tested positive in Fairfield, 292 have reported that they have fully recovered. Charts and data on Fairfield cases including age, gender, nursing home statistics, testing samples, and different trend lines can be found at fairfieldct.org/covid19data


The most recently published data shows Connecticut

has 44,689 positive cases, 4,159 deaths, and 244 hospitalizations. Fairfield County has 16,178 confirmed cases and 1,337 deaths.

The Governor’s Phase 2 Reopening is approaching on June 17th and our Town is doing everything we can to help assist businesses and organizations to safely reopen in accordance with those guidelines. I have heard from some businesses who feel the guidelines are too restrictive, making it impossible to sustain their business, specifically small gyms that offer yoga and bar method. I have worked with the state delegation and local gyms owners to express their concerns and I hope the Governor will take them seriously.

Summer Camp:
I’m very proud of the Planning Committee and the Parks & Recreation Department that put a lot of effort into planning a summer camp program within the state guidelines that will offer an option to those residents who need to get back to work and require childcare. For more information or to sign up before Monday’s deadline, please visit the Park & Rec website.

The Planning Committee is a subcommittee of the Emergency Management Team, made up of the Fire, Police, Health, Economic Development, Public School Administration and the First Selectwoman’s office. The team met again this week with both high school headmasters to help finalize plans for the Fairfield High School’s graduation ceremonies which will be held in a drive-in format at Jennings Beach. A great deal of planning and care went in to allow our graduating seniors and their families an opportunity to celebrate this special time after a very difficult senior year. I hope all Fairfield residents will join me in congratulating our Fairfield graduating seniors.

Additional executive order guidelines the committee is working on include organized athletics, fitness centers, libraries and open spaces. More information will follow soon on the June 17 Phase 2 updates.


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By Stephen Krauchick

DoingItLocal is run by Steve Krauchick. Steve has always had interest with breaking news even as an early teen, opting to listen to the Watergate hearings instead of top 40 on the radio. His interest in news spread to become the communities breaking news leader in Connecticut’s Fairfield County. He strongly believes that the public has right to know what is happening in their backyard and that government needs to be transparent. Steve also likes promoting local businesses.

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