Connecticut needs to improve our transportation system. A reliable and modern transportation system is a key to a healthy economy and job growth. But we do not need tolls or tax increases to make that happen.
CT Senate Republicans presented a plan that shows another way to invest in transportation and grow jobs in a way that’s sustainable and accountable to taxpayers – all without tolls.
The Fiscal Accountability & Sustainable Transportation Reform CT (FASTR CT) Plan recognizes that trust in government is a major issue for residents. This plan would restore what has been stolen from transportation over the last decade and not take any more from taxpayers.
Solves our transportation problems (funding and Special Transportation Fund solvency)
No tolls
No tax increases
Cuts back on bonding
Creates jobs
Pays off long term liabilities
Leverages federal dollars, maximizing federal low interest TIFIA loans to potentially 0.8%
Prioritizes needed projects
Creates accountability and vetting of all DOT projects
Ensures communication with New York on rail projects
Restores money that was diverted from the STF over the last decade
Please click here to read our full plan. [CT Senate Republican No Toll-Taxes Plan]
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