Trumbull News: Integrity Awards
#TRUMBULL— Senator Marilyn Moore (D-Bridgeport, Trumbull, Monroe) hosted the 2017 Trumbull Integrity Awards at Town Hall Thursday evening where she honored five town residents making a positive impact on the community through their work and volunteer efforts. “A person of integrity personifies a state of incorruptibility, soundness, and completeness,” Sen. Moore said. “Throughout the town of Trumbull, this is a quality that resonates in our residents.” Sen. Moore’s Trumbull Integrity Award identifies and honors individuals whose integrity stands out in their community and echoes throughout. This year, the honorees were Edward Gillespie, Jennifer Gillis, Paulette Mack, Jeffrey Kunkel, Michael Silva, and Dr. Matthew Wheeler. Honorees were selected by the Trumbull Rotary Club and Trumbull Mothers Offering Mothers Support…