Fairfield News: Pant-less Man With Brass Knuckles Watches Sleeping Child
5:32am--#Fairfield CT-- Fairfield Police received a 911 call from a Tunxis Hill Rd residence, that there was a male intruder inside of their residence and her family had him trapped. Officers responded to find a male dressed in only a bath-robe and a t-shirt, who had allegedly forced entry into the residence. The suspect was identified as Eric Kusheba, DOB 11/20/80. Kusheba e cut a screen window and forced entry into a Tunxis Hill Rd. Residence. Kusheba proceeded to enter the bedroom of a sleeping juvenile female resident, where he watched her sleep while he was wearing a robe without any pants or underwear. A subsequent search of Kusheba resulted in him possessing a set of brass knuckles in the…