12:04am–#Stratford Connecticut– #Bridgeport Connecticut– Bridgeport Police 911 Dispatch received a 911 call from a man who was robbed and stabbed. It was thought the caller, the man stabbed said 88 Karen Court along with the building and apartment number. There was no building/apartment number with that combination at the Karen Court complex. Police went door to door but found no one. They thought maybe it could be at Success Village and started going through combinations there. At the same time the phone was being pinged. At the same time the ping went through officer had already deducted it could be Canaan Court in Stratford which it was. Bridgeport Fire was already dispatched just in case a force entry was needed (when they first thought it was Success Village) but were not needed. Stratford EMS took the man to Bridgeport Hospital. Police said he had some serious stab wounds. I listen to radio calls all day long and you can hear in the officer’s voices the urgency to locate the victim. Well done!