Look Who’s DoingItLocal!
Welcome Danny from DaCruz's Detailing located at 1414 Islandbrook Avenue in Bridgeport. He is another American success story. Danny left his his job with the state to pursue his dream of owning his own business. Danny and his team can make your car look good as new. Looking for the perfect gift? Who wouldn't want their car detailed. Gift certificates are available. Give them a call at 203-502-1194 or on Facebook at @DaCruzdetailing
Bridgeport News: Robbed At The ATM
12:00am--#Bridgeport Connecticut-- A man was robbed after using the ATM at 1450 Barnum Avenue People's Bank branch. The masked suspect displayed a knife. This news report is made possible by: 12:00am--#Bridgeport Connecticut- un hombre fue robado después se usar la cajera automática en 1450 Barnum Ave en People's Bank. el sospechoso enmascarado tenia un cuchillo.
Westport News: Attempted Abduction
7:04pm--#Westport Connecticut-- There was an attempted abduction at Parker Henry Plaza (that is a street) by a tan Chevy van with New Jersey Plates XDTM12. No word who they were attempting to abduct. This news report is made possible by: 7:04pm--#Westport Connecticut- Hubo un intento de secuestro en Parker Henry plaza ( que es una calle) por una camioneta Chevy color cafe claro con patente se Nueva Jersey ( XDTM12). No hay palabra que intentaban secuestrar.
Trumbull News: Pursuit Ends In Bridgeport
7:02pm--#Bridgeport Connecticut-- A police pursuit that started on Old Town Road by Trumbull Police ended on Main Street near the Merritt Canteen after the car crashed with another vehicle at the Price Rite. 7:02pm--#Bridgeport Connecticut- Una persecución policial que comenzó en Old Town Road cerca de Policía de Trumbull terminó en Main street cerca de Meritt Canteen después de que el auto chocó con otro vehículo en Price Rite.
Bridgeport News: Youths Trash CVS
7:00pm--#Bridgeport Connecticut- About ten teens on bikes went to the CVS at 1875 Boston Avenue and trashed a bunch of shelves and attempted to steal merchandise. The kids were about 15-16 years old and fled on the bikes down Boston Avenue according to radio reports. This news report is made possible by:
Bridgeport News: Fire Department Promotes Two To Captain
#Bridgeport Connecticut---Scott Boris (left) and Giovanni Sanzo(right), both 18 year veterans of the Bridgeport Fire Department were promoted to the rank of Captain Wednesday. #Bridgeport Connecticut-- Scott Boris (izquierda) y Giovanni Sanzo (derecha) , ambos veteranos de 18 años en el Departamento de Bomberos de Bridgeport fueron promovidos al rango de Capitán miércoles.
Bridgeport News: Shots Fired!
1:20pm--#Bridgeport Connecticut--Multiple calls of shots fired inside the Lakeview Cemetery near the East Main Street side. Turns out to be a military funeral... This news report made possible by: 1:20pm--#Bridgeport Connecticut- Varias llamadasde disparos el interior del cementerio Lakevire cerca del lado de East Main street. Resulta ser un funeral militar...