#Westport Connecticut–The Town of Westport has been informed that the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT) will close the section of North Compo Road (CT Rte. 136) between Main Street and Cross Highway commencing August 22, 2016. The replacement of the culvert beneath the roadway necessitates full closure of this portion of Compo Road North. The section of the road will be closed and detours will be in effect for approximately 30 days. Motorists are urged to use caution, seek alternate routes and allow additional time for travel in the area.
The overall construction and realignment of the problematic intersection at Main Street/CT Route 57 and Compo Road North/CT Rte. 136 at Clinton Avenue (State Project No. 158-201) is expected to be completed in the fall. First Selectman Jim Marpe said, “While I recognize that this road closure may create a short term inconvenience, this construction, along with the anticipated opening of both lanes of the North Avenue Bridge in late August, will provide longer term traffic improvements and increased safety on these critical Westport roads. I appreciate the public’s patience and cooperation as we work with the State DOT to complete these long-planned projects.”
(Town of Westport Press Release)
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