#Bridgeport CT--Today, Governor Malloy said that Connecticut will continue to accept more than 1,600 refugees from Syria. Arizona, Texas, Michigan and Alabama and President Obama's home state of Illinois is suspending the refugee resettlement. The reason is that it is reported that some of the attackers in France came through Greece as a refugee. The International Institute Of Connecticut (IICONN) located at 670 Clinton Avenue in Bridgeport has been listed as a group accepting the refugess according to the US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory (see http://www.scribd.com/doc/280725813/US-Refugee-Public-Affiliate-Directory). Catholic Charities of Hartford and the International Refugee and Immigrant Services in New Haven will be slated to process the refugees according to the list for Connecticut. According to IICONN's September newsletter: “The U.S.…
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