The Assessor’s Office reminds all veterans (or widows/widowers of veterans) who have served during an active period of war for at least 90 days and have received an honorable discharge, to file their DD-214 in the Town Clerk’s Office prior to Oct. 1, 2015. The exemption is $6,000 off an assessment and will be reflected in the July 2016 tax bill. Veterans who have already filed and are receiving an exemption do not need to re-file. The Town of Westport also offers a local option for an additional $20,000 off an assessment.
Note that this is an income qualifying program. Maximum income is $59,600 for a single veteran and $67,200 for a married veteran. Applications for this program are accepted prior to Oct. 1, 2015.
A member of the armed forces who is currently on active duty may be eligible for an In-Service Exemption and have one passenger motor vehicle garaged inside or outside the State exempt from property tax. To qualify, the individual must submit a form annually confirming “on active duty” by signing the attestation statement ( For details and/or questions contact the Assessor’s Office at 203-341-1070.
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