#Bridgeport, Conn. (December 12, 2014) – Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch, Bridgeport Public Schools Superintendent Fran Rabinowitz, and other elected officials, visited Wilbur Cross School yesterday in celebration of the federal government giving the state’s largest city 180 new pre-k seats.
The U.S. Department of Education awarded Connecticut $12.5 million to Connecticut this week, which will give 428 kids access to pre-k, and an additional 284 kids to higher-quality pre-k programs. Bridgeport, the state’s largest city, received the largest share of these funds in receiving $4.5 million for 180 new pre-k seats and quality improvements for an additional 90 kids.
“As a parent, and mayor of the state’s largest city, I’ve seen firsthand how tough it is for kids who don’t have access to quality early childhood education,” said Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch. “And research is clear: If kids aren’t reading at the level they should be by third grade, they’re less likely to graduate. That’s why this is such great news for hundreds of Bridgeport kids. It will help ensure more kids are ready to one day compete for jobs in the future.”
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